Playstation Reveals New Escalation Of Freedom Update For Helldivers 2

In the months since Helldivers 2’s release, there have been a lot of updates and additions made. With each one, there have been slight changes to both the Helldivers’ and enemy factions’ capabilities. We’ve seen mech suits, weapons, the addition of Automatons, and much more during the second Galactic War on Tyranny.

We’ve witnessed the escalation, successes, and failures in real time, and the honorable Helldivers even helped a real life children’s hospital. But things are about to get more shaky for the soldiers of Super Earth, and the team at Arrowhead Games has just released a video showing just how that will happen.

Changes to the Enemies

The first major update, called the Escalation of Freedom, will see a lot of massive changes and additions arrive in the galaxy. Among these changes are new enemies, new mission types, and higher difficulty options. On the terminid side, there are two new enemies. The Impaler, a cluster of giant clawed tentacles, will begin to emerge, greatly affecting the Helldivers’ navigation.

In addition, Spore Chargers will join the fight. These special chargers are surrounded by a fog of spores, obscuring vision and making fighting them even more nerve-wracking than before.

When encountering the Impaler, you only have two options: fight like hell or run.

On the Automaton front, the robotic enemy is developing more massive, deadly weaponry. One confirmed development is the artillery tank. This tank is capable of sending barrages of missiles at Helldivers far down range.

Just like the Impaler, this weapon will definitely make navigation more difficult and disrupt even the slightest feeling of safety and confidence. This won’t be all though, as the Automatons are constantly researching and building new weapons.

New Mission Difficulty and Types

On the mission side of things, a new level 10 difficulty is being introduced. This new level is a huge jump from the previous max difficulty. With larger fortresses and the aforementioned new enemies, level 10 looks to really ramp up the intensity. A new terminid mission type, larvae retrieval, will be available as well.

This mission type will see Helldivers acquiring a Terminid larvae, which will cry out for the Terminids and cause a near constant barrage of enemies. It looks like it will take up the backpack slot, consequently requiring more planning and adaptability.

There will also be a new swamp environment, as well as changes to the affects of acid rain.

Of course, Arrowhead Games only shared a portion of the upcoming update. How much will be added in the Escalation of Freedom update is anyone’s guess. But one thing is for sure, the Helldivers are about to have a lot more on their plate.

The Escalation of Freedom Update arrives on August 6.

You can watch the announcement trailer below: