The Eternal Life of Goldman is another game that is being featured at Gamescom 2024. A vibrant but dark adventure side-scroller heavily inspired by ancient fables and fairy tales. The game is being developed by THQ Nordic and the Producer Andreas Schmiedecker spoke to Eurogamer’s Ian Higton at the events IGN Day 2 Livestream. During this interview, one such question Ian raised was if any AI was used.

Below is an excrept of said interview:
Ian: One of the things that stands out is the visual style of this game, it looks hand drawn but I’ve heard the team is small. Did they use any AI in the process?”
Andreas: There is no AI in the game. It really is people [that] sat at their desks for days, weeks, months even a year to finish the game, so it is first by hand then use their tools to bring it to life. You could tell AI to do something like this but that level of detail and how it all fits together and works as a game…AI couldn’t do that…not in 20 years. The only way of getting this right is to say let’s get this right and sit down and paint it, then paint some more, then some more, then animating.