Honkai: Star Rail Version 2.5 is out and with it comes the thrilling conclusion of the Xianzhou Luofu’s Borisin storyline. This patch also highlights the story of the latest limited character, Feixiao. In this installment of Pull or Pass, let’s dive into team compositions, relic sets, and see if Feixiao is worth pulling for!
About Feixiao in Honkai: Star Rail
Feixiao is one of the Xianzhou Alliance’s Seven Arbiter-Generals, and the second one to be playable. She oversees the Xianzhou Yaoqing, which houses most of the Foxians of the Xianzhou Alliance. Feixiao is also famed for being an extremely swift and powerful warrior, bearing the title of “Merlin’s Claw”.

While Feixiao is capable of immense feats of strength, this is not without a cost. Despite primarily being a Foxian, within her lies the terrible Moon Rage affliction normally seen in the Borisin. The Trailblaze Continuance quest “Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue (II)” released in Version 2.5 dives deeper into her struggles with her affliction and how she prevails against it.
Feixiao’s Stats
Feixiao is a single-target attack-scaling Wind DPS that heavily relies on her allies to attack frequently. These attacks will enable Feixiao to use her ultimate, her main source of damage, as much as possible.
Stat | Level 1 | Level 90 |
Base HP | 143 | 1047 |
Base Attack | 82 | 601 |
Base Defense | 53 | 388 |
Base Speed | 112 | 112 |
Feixiao also gains the following stats upon unlocking all of her Traces:
- 12% Critical Rate
- 28% ATK
- 12.5% DEF
Feixiao’s Skills

Talent – Thunderhunt
There are three compotents to Feixiao’s Thunderhunt:
- First, she does not require energy to charge her ultimate. Instead, every two attacks by allies will give Feixiao one stack of “Flying Aureus”. Feixiao can accumulate a total of 12 Flying Aureus stacks.
- Second, she launches a follow-up attack when a teammate attacks an enemy target. This can only happen once per turn and will reset at the start of Feixiao’s turn.
- Finally, she gains a DMG buff for two turns after triggering her follow-up attack. As Feixiao will follow-up every time she uses her skill or when an ally attacks, this buff will be active almost indefinitely.

As only 6 stacks are needed to use her ultimate, this effectively means that Feixiao can stockpile 12 Flying Aureus stacks and use her ultimate two times in a row. This also means that any form of Energy Regeneration from bonuses or allies is completely useless for her.
Skill – Waraxe
Feixiao’s skill is fairly straightforward. She deals Wind damage to one target and immediately launches a follow-up attack on said target.

This means that using Feixiao’s skill will always result in receiving one stack of Flying Aureus. Whenever possible, you should always use her skill over her normal attack. Unlocking Feixiao’s Ascension 6 passive also gives her a 48% ATK buff for 3 turns whenever she uses her skill.
Ultimate – Terrasplit
Feixiao consumes 6 stacks of Flying Aureus to attack a single target 7 times.
Terrasplit’s attacks will deplete an enemy’s Toughness Bar regardless of their elemental weakness. Furthermore, if the target is not Weakness Broken, Feixiao also gains 100% Weakness Break Efficiency. This makes Feixiao very effective at tearing through enemy Toughness Bars despite not being a Break-centered DPS.

For the first 6 hits, the player will have to choose between 2 types of attacks. They can either go with Boltsunder Blitz, which deals more damage to Weakness Broken enemies, and Waraxe Skyward which deals more damage to enemies that aren’t Weakness Broken. After dealing 6 hits, the ultimate ends with a final blow of damage.
Waraxe Skyward and Boltsunder Blitz can be used in any order. It is advisable to use Waraxe Skyward to break an enemy (if they aren’t broken yet), and spam Boltsunder Blitz once they are broken. The in-game UI during her ultimate will also highlight which of the two attacks will deal more damage in that instance.
After unlocking Feixiao’s Ascension 4 passive, damage from her ultimate will also be counted as follow-up damage. This makes her an incredible addition to follow-up teams.
Technique – Stormborn
Feixiao technique also has multiple parts to it:
- Feixiao gains 1 additional Flying Aureus point at the start of the next battle.
- Feixiao enters the “Onrush” state, increasing her movement speed by 50%, and summoning a tornado around her that pulls enemies in and suspends them in the air. Multiple enemies can be captured in the tornado. The tornado will also destroy any nearby destructible objects.
- Attacking while in the “Onrush” state will initiate combat with all of the enemies pulled in the tornado. At the start of each wave, enemies will receive a critical hit of Wind damage equal to 200% of Feixiao’s attack. For each enemy pulled in, the damage of this hit is increased by 100% (up to a maximum of 1000%).

Feixiao’s technique is incredibly useful for farming materials against enemies in the overworld maps. It is also extremely useful in certain cases in Simulated Universe such as in the Adventure domains where there is a limited time to destroy barrels or attack all of the Warp Trotters.
Feixiao’s Recommended Relic Sets
Feixiao will generally want Speed boots and a Crit Rate or Crit Damage body piece (depending on your Crit Ratio). For Substats, Feixiao will want Crit Damage, Crit Rate, Speed, and Attack%.
The Wind-Soaring Valorous

As Feixiao’s ultimate is her main source of damage, the 4-piece bonus of this set synergizes well with her. Feixiao also performs her follow-up attack so frequently that the 4-piece buff will essentially be permanently active.
The Ashblazing Grand Duke

This is the go-to set for most follow-up attack DPS units. The buffs from this set not only increases the damage of her ultimate but the follow-up attacks from her talent as well. While the Wind-Soaring Valorous set is the best fit for Feixiao, this set is still an acceptable alternative.
Feixiao’s Recommended Planar Ornaments
Feixiao will want a Wind Damage Boost sphere and an Attack% rope.
Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves

When partnered with other follow-up attack units, stacking Merit becomes very easy. And if you’ve unlocked Feixiao’s Ascension 4 passive, you’ll also be able to fully stack Merit after one cast of your ultimate.
Izumo Gensei and Takama Divine Realm

Feixiao teams would commonly include other Hunt characters as another DPS, which means both carries can equip this set. However, in certain situations where the secondary DPS is not a The Hunt character, this set will lose its effectiveness.
Feixiao’s Recommended Light Cones
I Venture Forth to Hunt

Of course, the best weapon for her will be her signature Light Cone. It passively gives a considerable 15% Critical Rate at Superimposition 1. It also has the additional effect of letting the wielder’s Ultimate ignore up to 54% of the enemy’s defenses when they launch follow-up attacks.
Cruising The Stellar Sea

This is an extremely accessible 5-star Light Cone obtainable from Herta’s Store that can grant Critical Rate. Combined with Feixiao’s innate Critical Rate from her Traces, this makes it easier for Feixiao to equip a Critical Damage body piece and balance her Critical Ratio. It also gives an Attack boost when defeating an enemy, but that buff won’t be triggered much against single-target bosses.

Swordplay is a good alternative for Feixiao if “Cruising The Stellar Sea” is equipped by another character. Swordplay’s bonus fits well with Feixiao’s single-target kit. Similar to the Duran relic, it’s another bonus effect that can easily be stacked with a single cast of her ultimate.
Feixiao’s Recommended Teams in Honkai: Star Rail
Generally, Feixiao teams will have the following template: Feixiao – Sustain – Support – 2nd DPS.
Feixiao acts as the primary carry in a duo DPS team comp. You would allies that attack frequently as they will enable her to stack more of her “Flying Aureus” charges. Characters that pair well with Feixiao are characters like Dr. Ratio, Topaz, March 7th(Hunt), or Moze.
As it is possible to stockpile 12 Flying Aureus stacks to use Feixiao’s ultimate twice in a row, players should always remember to activate her ult after Feixiao is buffed by her teammates.

A free-to-play friendly team can look something like: Feixiao – Gallagher – Asta – March 7th(Hunt).
March 7th can use her skill on Feixiao to set her as her Shifu, buffing Feixiao’s speed indefinitely. Feixiao and March 7th also enable each other’s stacking mechanics. Gallagher is a great SP-positive sustain, that attacks frequently with his normal and empowered basic attacks. Teamwide buffers like Asta are also great for teams where there are more than one damage dealer.

A more premium team can look something like: Feixiao – Aventurine – Robin – Topaz
Follow-up attacks from Aventurine and Topaz are extremely great at building up Flying Aureus stacks. You also never have to think about healing so long as Aventurine shields are managed properly. Robin also provides an immense Attack and Damage boost from her skill and ultimate.
There can be alternatives to this build, such as switching in standard characters like Gepard for Aventurine and Bronya for Robin.
Is Feixiao Worth Getting in Honkai: Star Rail?
Hunt characters have seen a mercurial ebb and flow of relevance during Honkai: Star Rail’s run time. Thankfully, Feixiao is a great DPS regardless of whoever she’s fighting. Not only is her kit incredibly strong but also flexible. She’s capable of shredding any enemy’s Toughness Bar regardless of their elemental weaknesses.
If you’re looking for a great addition to your follow-up teams or just like her personality and gameplay, then you should definitely consider pulling for Feixiao.