RPGs have come a long way since their inception in the 80’s with the NES from Enix and Squaresoft, two...
Food is quite-possibly one of the best ways we connect to each other. I mean, the older I get the...
Wars have been fought over religion and divine providence. One of the most written about periods happens to be the...
So, tell me, have you heard the name of Adol Christin? Truthfully, until a year or so ago I hadn’t...
Mobile gaming has certainly maintained a niche inside the industry as a whole. So, what would happen if a legend...
I’m sure we have heard this before. A small group of kids decide to explore their local school at Night,...
Love is a complicted emotion, that not everyone can easily grasp. We as a society have mythologized Love as Much...
There is little in the world that brings joy to children. Whether it is food, cartoons, or a precious character....
A phrase that I have heard often in my life is that a picture is worth a thousand words. Cliché,...
There is a subtle horror to having feelings for another person, almost like it’s a sinking feeling that somebody is...