Co-Op Puzzle Game How 2 Escape: Lost Submarine Announced For PS4 and PS5

Developer Breakfirst Games and publisher Maximum Entertainment have recently announced How 2 Escape: Lost Submarine, a co-op puzzle game from the How 2 Escape series. It will be released for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 sometime this year.

About How 2 Escape: Lost Submarine

The latest edition in the How 2 Escape series, How 2 Escape: Lost Submarine, has you and a partner work together to locate a missing submarine and prevent the start of a global war. An important allied military base has been captured by enemy forces, prompting the government to preemptively order the launch of a torpedo to reclaim it—despite the potential for countless allied deaths.

However, after further internal discussions and negotiations with the enemy, the government has cancelled the strike that could spark a potential global war. The only problem is “The Triumphant,” the submarine carrying the torpedo, is out of communication range and no one can confirm if the cancellation orders have reached the submarine.

To prevent war, the government has tasked its two best experts, officers Haurée and Leroy, to locate “The Triumphant” before time runs out. These two strategic masterminds of the submarine fleet will face a reality they did not expect, as recent decisions have ignited a moral dilemma among the underwater sailors.

How 2 Escape: Lost Submarine Announcement Trailer