Cygames has just announced that as part of its overseas expanding strategies, they have estabilished a brand-new studio subsidiary in Singapore, known as Cygames Singapore. This new company will focus on focus on promoting and marketing its titles in Asian regions, with Masafumi Chiba actng as its managing director.
This news comes a year after the company also estabilished both Cygames America and Cygames Europe back in 2023. Up until now, the company was solely focused on bringing their titles in Japan, but with the huge successful releases both overseas and in Japan, they sought out to expand their reach. Which is a great thing, seeing as many fans are excited for what the developer has planned next.

Their latest release title was Granblue Fantasy: Relink is an action RPG based on the popular mobile game that has been active since 2014 in Japan. The title takes place in the Sky Realm, a world where myriad islands float in a great blue expanse, and to date, has sold over 1 million copies.
Players take their role as captain of a skyfaring crew, joined by a scrappy little dragon named Vyrn and a young girl with mysterious powers named Lyria, and together, sail with a colorful cast of crewmates for Estalucia, a fabled island beyond the end of the skies.