Ethics Statement


PSLegends was conceived as a hub for dedicated gamers, created by dedicated gamers. Our team is passionate about the gaming world, and we aim to provide our readers with top-notch content that is both informative and honest. In keeping with this, it is essential for us to operate under a strong code of ethics that reflects our commitment to integrity and transparency.

On Reviews, Events, and Travel

PSLegends operates on a modest budget. While opportunities to attend events or visit game developers might present themselves, these often come at a financial cost. If a game publisher or developer offers to cover expenses, we carefully consider whether the potential coverage would serve our readers’ interests. Should we decide to accept such an offer, we will openly disclose this information, detailing who funded the trip and any subsequent coverage related to it.

We always strive to conduct our reviews under conditions as close to ‘real-world’ gaming as possible, mirroring the conditions our readers would experience. Reviews conducted under the supervision of public relations or marketing teams are considered previews, and will not be scored.

On Things We Receive for Free

It is standard practice for PSLegends to receive review copies of games from publishers or developers. We will disclose this information in our articles. Other items received that do not directly contribute to our work will either be donated to charitable causes or offered in giveaways to our readers. Our staff are prohibited from selling or trading items received for review.

On Rumors, Sources, and Corrections

Our primary objective is to be reliable and impartial. We do not pay for information, and we always seek to verify rumors before publishing. Should we make an error, we are committed to correcting it transparently, either by updating the original article or by publishing a new one to clarify the issue.

On Objectivity and Reviews

Reviews published on PSLegends are subjective opinions of individual team members. While they are vetted for quality, balance, and fairness, they remain the viewpoints of the authors. We invite and encourage respectful discussion and even disagreement in the comment sections.

On Advertising

The editorial and advertising departments of PSLegends are distinct entities, ensuring that our editorial integrity is not compromised. Sponsored posts and affiliate links may appear on our site, but they will be clearly marked and will have no influence over our editorial content.

On Relationships and Conflict of Interest

PSLegends maintains professional relationships within the gaming industry. Should any of these relationships cross into personal territory, such information will be disclosed in relevant content. Staff members are allowed to support crowdfunding campaigns or Patreon accounts, but such affiliations will be disclosed when related topics are covered.

By adhering to these guidelines, PSLegends aims to foster an environment of trust, transparency, and integrity. We are committed to continually earning our readers’ respect and confidence. Thank you for being a part of our community.