Bloodstained follows the protagonist Miriam, an orphan who is afflicted by an alchemist's curse, which is slowly turning her skin...
Millennia after humanity abandoned the planet, rabbits claimed their place… Stamp, a cute bunny with an old soul, pilots his...
Gal*Gun: Double Peace is a Japanese bishojo shooting game and the sequel to Gal*Gun. The protagonist, Hodai Kudoki, is struck...
The game takes place in Spira during the Eternal Calm, two years after Final Fantasy X. It continues the story...
The game is set in the world of Spira and follows the story of Tidus and Yuna. Tidus is a...
The spiritual successor to the epic strategy-shooter Void Bastards, Wild Bastards is a hybrid FPS/strategy game with heart-pounding tactical combat,...
The game is an ode to the joy of flight and discovery. Starting with a small herd of hover-sheep, you...
---Two witches live in a mansion on a hill--- The late 1980s. The twilight of an era full of splendor...
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is an open world driving and lifestyle experience. Grab your keys and live your life...
Our favourite pink-haired, high-jumping jungle boy is back! Limited Run Games are working with creator Tokuro Fujiwara to bring the...
Tomba! is set on a group of islands in the middle of an ocean which do not appear on any...
Corpse Party II: Darkness Distortion follows three high school friends; Haruka Nanami, Nemu Takanashi, and Maria Hitsugi, as they explore...