A young man who lives in the calm village of Ishi. The protagonist, who began a coming-of-age ceremony when he...
What destinies await these three fateful figures? Use the Trails to Walk system to switch between Rean Schwarzer, Lloyd Bannings,...
At the Royal Academy of Magic (the Academy for short), Marie is failing in her attempts to study alchemy. One...
The game is all about making friends with the town's inhabitants in order to experience various narrative encounters. These events...
A mysterious man appears, and the heroines are in danger. And so new protagonist Sayaka Hiwatari must face against a...
After the last battle with Crash Bandicoot, Cortex is thrown down to Crash island and fall in a cave filled...
The Special Support Section is back with more members and more cases to solve! How will this rag-tag group deal...
The PlayStation port of Street Fighter Alpha 3 has added new characters to the roster, including Juli, Juni, Balrog, Dee...
This game combines roguelike-style deckbuilding with SRPGs to create an all-new experience! Follow Vel as she leads the Clausewitz Battalion...
The game takes place five years after Devil May Cry 4 and follows a trio of warriors with demonic powers,...
Set in late 19th century Japan and England, each title features five murder-mystery episodes filled with all the drama, laughs,...
Xenoverse features an entirely original story starring the player's custom character. The story itself borrows elements from the Dragon Ball...