Earth Defense Force: World Brothers 2 tells the story of what happened to the voxel Earth after the events of...
Deep in the 1920’s south, Emily Hartwood’s uncle has gone missing. Together with private investigator Edward Carnby, she embarks on...
The game is set in the Second Era, in 2E 583, during a period of time known as the Interregnum....
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor picks up five years after the events of Jedi: Fallen Order. Cal must stay one step...
Immediately prior to Brotherhood of Steel, the three playable characters (Cain, Cyrus, and Nadia) have joined the Brotherhood as new...
When a trip to a remote cabin leaves eight friends stranded on a mountainside, sinister events make them suspect they're...
As conflict intensifies between German and Allied forces, the desecrated body of a woman is found drowned… Martha! Martha is...
Lead humanity’s greatest weapon, the Grey Knights, against the corrupting forces of Chaos in this brutal and fast-paced turn-based tactical...
Life is good for the residents of Heartflame Island, especially since new robots and automated machines do almost all of...
A 4v4 online party shooter from Square Enix that has you battling to foam as much of the city as...
The sequel to the captivating tale of Fuga: Melodies of Steel has arrived! This turn-based RPG is back with a...
Set among a variety of colorful 2D backgrounds, Patapon unfolds through more than 30 missions with more than 20 different...