The story takes place in the near future, where a mysterious natural disaster known as the “Hollows” has occurred. A new kind of city has emerged in this disaster-ridden world known as “New Eridu”. This last ‘oasis’ has mastered the technology to co-exist with the Hollows, and is home to a whole host of chaotic, boisterous, dangerous and very active factions. As a professional ‘Proxy’, you will play a crucial role in linking the city with the Hollows.
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Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.5 Update Comes To Playstation 5 Late January
This morning, HoYoverse has recently unveiled the next version update for their urban fantasy ARPG Zenless Zone Zero on their Special Program....
Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.4 Update Comes To Playstation 5 Mid-December
This morning, HoYoverse has recently unveiled the next version update for their urban fantasy ARPG Zenless Zone Zero on their Special Program....
Zenless Zone Zero Review – The Hollow Of the Urban City
Over the past four to five years, HoYoverse has become a true juggernaut in the gaming sphere. From Genshin Impact,...