PS5 Sold More Than Xbox Series X|S, Latest Data Revealed


Sony appears to be on a roll in the video game space, with the latest sales data suggesting that the PS5 has outsold the Xbox Series X|S by twice the number. The revelation only paints a clearer picture of how the Japanese console maker is outpacing its competitor from the West when it comes to hardware sales.

Microsoft does not reveal sales data. However, Take-Two Interactive showed that there have been a total of 77 million generation 9 consoles sold as of December 31, 2023. Before this, it’s been revealed that the sales of PS5 consoles have reached 50 million units, as of November 2023. It’s uncertain how many more units the PS5 sold in a month since November. Yet, it does provide a ballpark of how many Xbox Series X|S consoles in total may have been sold to date. And the number is never greater than 27 million—more likely, less than that.

Although Xbox has its fanbase, the fact that Microsoft is selling its flagship console at a loss also seems to suggest that the company is at a negative profit for every unit it has sold, thus far. The PS5, meanwhile, has stopped selling at a loss.

If this is indeed a console war between two tech giants, then Microsoft is seemingly at a disadvantage. Aside from the hardware sales, the company has also recently laid off 10,000 of its employees, 1,900 of which were from the gaming division. And with rumors surrounding the probable release of Xbox-exclusive titles to PS5, everything speaks volumes of who’s winning it.