Square Enix Details New Business Plan For the Next 3 Years For ‘Long-Term Growth’

In a recent document sent out to investors, Square Enix has announced a new medium-term business plan, detailing the strategies the company plans to take for the next 3 years. These include four strategies and initiatives, divided into what the company calls “pillars”.

The first pillar says that the company will enhance productivity by optimizing the development footprint in the Digital Entertainment segment. This means that they’ll focus on the development of titles that are capable of delivering “Fun” that only the Group can create.

The second pillar is to diversify earnings opportunities by strengthening customer contact points. Now, this part basically means that Square Enix will shift to a multiplatform strategy, instead of focusing on a singular platform, thus generating the opportunity of new revenue by offering IP across a range of entertainment experiences.

The third pillar aims to rebuild Square Enix’s overseas business divisions from the ground up, as well as introducing policies on organization and human resource allocation in their Japan HQ as well.

And finally, the fourth pillar aims to strike a balance between shareholder return and growth investment when allocating company capital. This will be in conjunction of a strategy that Square Enix will strive for quality, rather than quantity, striking a balance between a “product-out” approach that reflects the imaginations of its employees to the utmost, and a “market-in” approach that leverages customers’ voices and data to inform development efforts.

The latest released title by the publisher was SaGa: Emerald Beyond, the latest edition in the classic turn-based RPG series that started back in 1989. The game is standalone and can be played without having any previous knowledge of the series. It is currently available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

The company also released the second game of the Final Fantasy VII remake project: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, exclusively on PlayStation 5, as well as the Rising Tide DLC for Final Fantasy XVI, both of which have received major acclaim. Hopefully this strategy will bring some solid titles for everyone.