The definition (or at least my definition) of a great visual novel is a compelling story that successfully compensates for...
Tales of Graces f Remastered is an action RPG with high-speed battles that allow you to switch between fighting styles...
In the kingdom of Liberl, a man named Cassius Bright serves as one of the land's greatest Bracers, a freelance...
Music games have always been a thing. While the genre has been largely spearheaded by heavy hitters which dominate a...
Match 3+ puzzle battlers aren’t exactly where I’d normally start my usual search when looking for exciting JRPG narratives, but...
It’s always nice to see a developer throw everything they’ve got into expanding a beloved franchise, maybe even mixing up...
I’m delighted to see the all-girl action hack-and-slash genre still making the rounds after the demise of series like Senran...
While often overshadowed by the PS One ‘Golden Age’ of JRPGs, it’s often easy to forget just how good the...
As much as it may upset the hardcore Valkyrie Profile fans, I can confidently say Valkyrie Elysium was a great...
Senran Kagura: Peach Beach Splash is one of those games which I’ve been putting off reviewing for far too long....