The story focuses on Zero, a woman who can manipulate magic through song. Partnering with a dragon named Mikhail, Zero...
As Indiana Jones, you’ll travel to 1935 China to prevent a powerful artifact from falling into evil hands. This globe-spanning...
The player uses Scooby-Doo to take down enemies and collect clues for Velma. Scooby-Doo can change costumes which can give...
Mystery Mayhem is a multi-platform release featuring the cartoon detectives and their favorite canine coward.
Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights is a third person platform game with action elements that was developed by Heavy Iron...
Immediately prior to Brotherhood of Steel, the three playable characters (Cain, Cyrus, and Nadia) have joined the Brotherhood as new...
Gamers play as TAKKAR, a seasoned hunter and the last surviving member of his hunting group. Arriving in the majestic...
Eorzea. A land embraced by Gods and forged by Heroes. Seeking control of this realm and its abundant crystal resources,...
For some time now, Leafmore High School has been the setting for unexplained disappearances. In this survival horror game, you...