Since its launch day, Dead Island 2 has been a rollercoaster ride of survivalist action, captivating storytelling, and a visceral...
Two powerful sorcerers, Shang Tsung and Quan Chi, have joined forces to achieve the supreme goal: immortality. Will earth survive...
In the end of the 17th century the dreadful vampire Dracula is resurrected after a century of slumber. The people...
eSports Boxing Club is a realistic boxing game made from the ground-up with the professional boxing community. In ESBC, you...
Realistic survival mechanics have become a popular feature in modern gaming. From ARK to DayZ and even Rockstar’s Red Dead...
As a huge fan of God of War, 2018 was a great year. Kratos was making his big return on...
The player takes control of "the Courier", who is hired by a delivery service to take an unknown package across...
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty has its ups and downs in areas, but overall the combat experience is pretty damn good....
This is probably the worst game I’ve ever kind of liked. That title used to belong to Deadly Premonition: a...
The game begins in the film’s final scene, with Tony Montana’s (Andre Sogliuzzo) mansion being raided by Alejandro Sosa’s assassins....