The story focuses on Zero, a woman who can manipulate magic through song. Partnering with a dragon named Mikhail, Zero...
Shadow Hearts is the first official game in the Shadow Hearts series and is the sequel to Koudelka. Shadow Hearts...
After almost two decades with no new console game except rereleases, the Mana series has a new chance with Visions...
It’s hard to believe that once upon a time, early in the development of the original Hyperdimension Neptunia game, our...
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart is a tactical role-playing game developed by Sting and Compile Heart The game is a...
Experience The Legend of Dragoon originally released on the PlayStation console, enhanced with up-rendering, rewind, quick save, and custom video...
Lead epic battles in a new FINAL FANTASY world. Betrayal and darker dealings await in Squaresoft’s game of war. Fight...
Play as Pieberry, a white-haired, bunny-eared witch growing up in a forest filled with monsters. To relive her childhood memories...
Atlus has revealed a new trailer for Persona 3 Reload’s upcoming expansion, Episode Aigis, as a familiar yet formidable enemy....
Fans of the Persona series have a lot to look forward to this year as the third wave of DLC...