In present-day Shibuya, Tokyo, magic exists. Marin Kirizumi is a wizard who seeks freedom through unstoppable power. Sari Nishijima is...
We’re finding ourselves in a similar position with the Pixel Remaster edition of Final Fantasy IV as we were with...
We have a juxtaposition of 2D and 3D visuals, flashy turn-based combat, quirky anime characters with cheeky dialogue with plenty...
Mugen Souls is an RPG developed by Compile Heart with collaboration from GCREST. The main protagonist of Mugen Souls, Chou-Chou,...
I was pretty disappointed I couldn’t get hold of FuRyu’s new android-girl hack-and-slash JRPG, CryMachina, as early as some others,...
You’ll be forgiven if you haven’t heard of the Ar Tonelico trilogy. The previous two games arrived so late in...
In modern times, a strange disease runs rampant. A young girl named Lebel Distel who teeters on the brink of...
The third game in the Ar Tonelico series, and the first on PlayStation 3.
In a time where an enhanced, 3D remake of Final Fantasy III already exists, it’s hard to argue that Final...
The long awaited finale to the epic engulfing a continent comes to a head in the final chapter of the...