Castlevania: Symphony of the Night The game's story takes place during the year 1797, 5 years after the events of Rondo of Blood and begins...
Tomba! 2: The Evil Swine Return A young feral boy named Tomba lives peacefully in his home country until his friend Zippo finds a mysterious letter...
Rusty Rabbit Millennia after humanity abandoned the planet, rabbits claimed their place… Stamp, a cute bunny with an old soul, pilots his...
Mayhem Brawler II: Best of Both Worlds A perfect fuse of ’90s arcade vibe and modern rogue-lite / RPG mechanics in a time transition-themed beat ’em up....
Castlevania Chronicles In the end of the 17th century the dreadful vampire Dracula is resurrected after a century of slumber. The people...
Pandemonium! Pandemonium features 2 playable characters: Fargus, a joker, and Nikki, who unwittingly casts a spell that destroys the town. The...
Tevi Welcome to Az, where our adventure begins. This sprawling continent is full of myth and magic, and is home to...
4 Cybertrash STATYX – A Competent Wreck No, I don’t know what the title means. Yes, that is the real cover art. Yes, the game is cheap....
Shadow of the Ninja Reborn This trailblazer in ninja action games is returning after 33 years. The original title was released on the Japanese Nintendo...
Patapon Set among a variety of colorful 2D backgrounds, Patapon unfolds through more than 30 missions with more than 20 different...