Years after the tragic events of Resident Evil 7: Biohazard, Ethan Winters has started over with his wife Mia, finally...
You're a renowned hacker, the most notorious cyberspace thief in the corporate world. Caught during a risky break-in, you become...
Atooi revives Kid Renegade's acclaimed seventh gen horror classic. Read about our experience in the twisted, horrifying halls of Dementium:...
There’s been a revival of stripped-down survival horror as of late. Tormented Souls, Nightmare of Decay, and even the action-horror...
Silent Hill is a series that has now become famous for its ups and downs. While I could pick the...
Konami has shared a new trailer for the Silent Hill 2 remake. The video focuses on gameplay segments, revealing how...
New York-based publisher Top Hat Studios has announced the release date for Alisa. The game will be available on PlayStation...
DayZ is a hardcore open-world survival game with only one rule: stay alive, no matter what. How long can you...
Read on to explore the harrowing narrative of Silent Hill 4: The Room, where Henry faces nightmarish realms, a malevolent...
Henry Townshend is living in South Ashfield, a city that's half a day's drive away from Silent Hill. He is...