Retroware has just announced that their newest 8-bit side-scrolling title, developed by Programancer, The Transylvania Adventure of Simon Quest will be coming to PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 on 2025.
This is a parody/homage platformer set in a dark 8-bit world, where Stan Helsing robs Simon of fame by killing Count Dracula first, and it is up to him to reclaim his glory by resurrecting Dracula piece by piece and then slaying him…again!
In both the overworld and in mansions, there are plenty of alternate pathways (and choices) you can make. While it may seem that each mansion has a linear route, there are many secrets for you to discover. Furthermore, you can even try taking on later mansions early, with a secret ending for those brave enough to do so.
You can view some screenshots of the game below:

You can watch the announcement trailer below: