This morning, HoYoverse has recently unveiled the next version update for their urban fantasy ARPG Zenless Zone Zero on their Special Program.
The new Version 1.3, titled “Virtual Revenge” will be released on November 6th for the PlayStation 5. In this version update, players will join Lighter from the Sons of Calydon to celebrate the Settlement Days at the Outer Ring. Furthermore, Version 1.3 will also introduce further optimizations to the game, and new game modes such as The Mystery of Arpeggio Fault and Simulated Battle Trial.
Note: Until tomorrow, don’t forget to redeem the special redemption code to get yourself some Polychromes! You can do so by inputting VIRTUALREVENGE via the official website.
Zenless Zone Zero 1.3 New Areas
In Version 1.3, players will be able to explore a handful of new areas, including the HAND Headquarters, H.S.O.S. 6 Office, and Sān-Z STUDIO at Lumina Square. You can view screenshots of the new areas below:
Zenless Zone Zero 1.3 New Characters
Two new characters will be available for players to obtain. The first is Yanagi, the Deputy Chief of Section 6. She is an S-level Electric Anomaly Agent who can rapidly accumulate Anomaly Buildup and increase the whole team’s Disorder damage. Wielding her Naginata, Yanagi’s Ex Special Attack triggers extra Polarity Disorder which can rapidly deal massive amounts of damage to enemies.

Next, we have Lighter, a Fire Stun Agent who is known as “The Champion” of the Sons of Calydon. During combat, Lighter racks up Morale and stuns enemies with a flurry of punches while lowering their Ice and Fire Resistances. Once his Morale reaches a certain level, his combat strength and skills will be reinforced.

Yanagi will be available in the first half of Version 1.3’s Signal Search, while Lighter will be available on the second half of the update.
Zenless Zone Zero Version 1.3 Optimizations
As is custom with every Version Update, a number of optimizations will be applied in Zenless Zone Zero’s Version 1.3. First, the functions and interface of the Compendium as well as the systems for character leveling up and upgrading will be optimized to provide a smoother experience.

Furthermore, players can also further decorate the 2nd floor of the Random Play video store with the gadgets they purchase from Sān-Z STUDIO at Lumina Square. You can also obtain exclusive rewards from the Virtual Battlefield Mayhem and When Sandwiches Come A Knockin’ events.
About Zenless Zone Zero
In Zenless Zone Zero, contemporary civilization has been destroyed by a supernatural disaster known as “Hollows.” New Eridu, the last urban civilization that survived the apocalypse, manages to thrive by acquiring the technology to extract essential resources out of the Hollows.
You can watch the Version 1.3 trailer below: