Card-en-Ciel is a deckbuilding, roguelite RPG adventure featuring over 300 characters and 50 vocal songs. Earn a chance to recruit a new ally with each victory, opening up new strategies and combos.
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Card-En-Ciel Trailer Showcases Divine Dynamo Flamefrit Cards
Inti Creates has shared a new trailer for Card-en-Ciel. This time we get to see the characters and cards we...

Card-En-Ciel Trailer Showcases Yggdrasil Records IX World and Characters
Inti Creates has shared a new trailer for Card-en-Ciel. This time we get a look at Yggdrasil Records IX, a...

Card-En-Ciel Gets New Video Showcasing Umbraclaw Cards
Inti Creates has shared a new trailer for Card-en-Ciel. The Japanese video highlights the cards from their recent release Umbraclaw....

Card-En-Ciel Comes To PS4 and PS5 in October
Inti Creates has announced the release date for Card-en-Ciel. The upcoming deckbuilder roguelite will be available on PlayStation 4 and...

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