Genshin Impact Announces Changes To Playstation 4 Performance For Future Version Updates

In a recent post on their HoYoLab platform, HoYoverse announced that on future updates for their open-world RPG Genshin Impact, the overall visuals and functions of the game will be severely overhauled in the upcoming Version 5.0 update, which introduces the Natlan region.

While the developers will strive to keep the minimum device requirements for Version 5.0 the same as they’ve been, stricter performance optimization strategies will be applied to the PlayStation 4 version of the game on the original, Slim and Pro models. The PlayStation 5 version will remain unchanged.

Specifically, on the PlayStation 4 models, visual performance will be reduced (compared to the current 4.0 version) after the Version 5.0 update, with the resolution of some image details and smaller objects decreasing, as well as the effect range of some special effects, among others. Therefore, you might notice the graphics won’t look as sharp, but the game will still be playable.