God of War Ragnarok to get a free DLC next week

God of War Ragnarok Valhalla

God of War Ragnarok is set for an expansion next week, as the Valhalla DLC rolls out on Tuesday, December 12, 2023. The free content serves as Santa Monica Studio’s show of thanks to those who supported the game, with 15 million units sold worldwide, as of November 19, per PlayStation Blog.

Serving as an epilogue to God of War Ragnarok, Valhalla takes a closer look at Kratos as he goes on a “deeply personal and reflective journey”. But set just after the events of Odin’s defeat and Athreus’ departure, players accompany the god-killing protagonist as he takes a lonesome adventure into the depths of Valhalla.

Playing the DLC, players will not only bear witness to never-before-seen events of the title but also get immersed in the game’s reimagined combat. As they face a unique array of opponents in a rogue-like fashion, players are compelled to try out Kratos’s different arsenals, all in the name of survival and overcoming trials.

Valhalla will be a challenging experience, even for those who previously played the game’s entire single-story campaign. However, the game is not punishing players for failing to succeed when coursing through the DLC. Conversely, learning through failure is part of the game, giving players the chance to improve themselves gradually and reward them for it through in-game rewards.

The DLC will also feature some new costumes for Kratos to wear. But players ought to know that they are merely cosmetics and will, in no way, make the experience easier for just wearing them. Nevertheless, they make for a cool outfit that gives the entire Valhalla experience unique, visually speaking.