Kunitsu-Gami: Path Of the Goddess Gets Gameplay Trailer

Capcom has shared new trailers for Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess. One of them is a deep dive with around 6 minutes exploring the gameplay for the upcoming mix of action and strategy game.

Kunitsu-Gami takes place in a Japanese setting and has players assume the role of Soh. As he explores the defiled land, he will have to find a way to guide the maiden Yoshiro and purify the villages.

During the night, gates to another world open, bringing the Seethe to take Yoshiro’s powers. As such, Yoh has to look for the defiled areas during the day to make it so she can reach the gate and sever the connection.

In these areas, it’s possible to find villagers, purify them and give them roles to help with the fight. The video reveals some, such as the archers and ascetics.

They’ll have to fight together until the sun rises and make sure Yoshiro is safe. Check out the full trailer:

A shorter video called Kagura Trailer is also available. It basically showcases the same elements but doesn’t explain them in-depth.

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess is coming to PlayStation 5 in 2024, though a specific date has not been revealed.