Naughty Bear makes a comeback in Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight Naughty Bear

A spiteful brown bear with a tendency for killing has entered The Fog once more as it makes a return in Dead by Daylight as a Visceral Legendary Outfit for The Trapper to wear.

Known simply as the “Naughty Bear,” the titular character is a throwback from one of Behaviour Interactive’s earlier games. Specifically from 2010, which involves a violent bear who was given into killing following a mistreatment by its fellow bears. Even though the studio was known by a different name at the time—Artificial Mind and Movement.

Those who were up-to-speed with Dead by Daylight would recall Naughty Bear’s first inauguration to the series when a charm after itself was introduced during the game’s 5th-anniversary celebration.

Big, bad bear

Meanwhile, anyone who has played Naughty Bear would see the likeness between it and The Trapper. Not only do the two share a preferred weapon with the machete, but they also share a commonality for using traps to catch their victims.

But more than just that, equipping the brown bear costume is a little special in that it has its unique kill animation, too. Although common logic would suggest that there’s an Evan McMillan within the costume, Naughty Bear is quite distinct through its unparalleled traits.

Speaking about the crossover, Dead by Daylight Product Manager Kirby Taylor said, “This is a fun trip into Behaviour’s history”.

In addition, he was quoted as saying:

Back in 2010 we released a game called Naughty Bear, and we’re happy to be bringing him back! The team has put a ton of work into this Outfit, from adjusting nearly all the animations to developing the systems allowing us to support special Outfit-specific Moris. We’ve also added the ‘Visceral’ rarity along with some visual indications in the UI to highlight Outfits with custom Moris!

Dead by Daylight is currently having the Haunted by Daylight 2023 event until November 6, 2023.