The game's story takes place during the year 1797, 5 years after the events of Rondo of Blood and begins...
"Shantae is roused from a deep sleep, suddenly alert. She plunges into the moonlit forest in search of answers. In...
Crypt Custodian is a charming metroidvania about cleaning up the afterlife. Play as Pluto- a mischievous cat who has died,...
Bloodstained follows the protagonist Miriam, an orphan who is afflicted by an alchemist's curse, which is slowly turning her skin...
Our favourite pink-haired, high-jumping jungle boy is back! Limited Run Games are working with creator Tokuro Fujiwara to bring the...
Tomba! is set on a group of islands in the middle of an ocean which do not appear on any...
Welcome to Az, where our adventure begins. This sprawling continent is full of myth and magic, and is home to...
It is dark. It is lonely. You don't belong in this world. It's not that it’s a hostile world... it's...
Dead Cells is a rogue-lite, metroidvania inspired, action-platformer. You’ll explore a sprawling, ever-changing castle… assuming you’re able to fight your...
Wield the dance of the shaman. Reclaim your father’s spirit. A grieving boy begins to read a Bantu tale written...