Tales of Arise Gets Classic Characters Costume & Arranged BGM Pack Trailer

Bandai Namco has shared a trailer for an upcoming Tales of Arise DLC. The new video shows the details of the Classic Characters Costume & Arranged BGM Pack which is coming on November 9, the same date of the Beyond the Dawn expansion.

Tales of Arise is the latest brand new game in the Tales of series of action JRPGs. In the middle of the conflicts between two worlds, people from both sides gather together to challenge fate.

First of all, the new DLC adds new arrangements from series veteran composer Motoi Sakuraba. His team rearranged the following tracks:

  • Follow your heart;
  • One strike, One beat;
  • Flame of the New Dawn;
  • Flame of hope

Meanwhile, the pack will also include the following costumes based on previous characters in the series:

  • Ludger (Xillia 2) costume for Alphen;
  • Velvet (Berseria) costume for Shionne;
  • Rita (Vesperia) costume for Rinwell;
  • Jude (Xillia) costume for Law;
  • Flynn (Vesperia) costume for Kisara;
  • Jade (Abyss) costume for Dohalin.

Tales of Arise is already available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. The upcoming cosmetic DLC will also be accessible in the Beyond the Dawn expansion.