Wolverine, Spider-Man 2 are set in the same universe—Insomniac Games

Wolverine Spider-Man 2

There is a new Wolverine game in the works, and it would be in the same universe as Spider-Man 2, the latter’s director announced.

A word about Insomniac Games working on the next Wolverine game has raised suspicion that it will be set in the same universe as its flagship title, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Known specifically as “Earth-1048,” this is the same universe where Peter Parker is the Spider-Man, which we have seen in all of Insomniac’s Spider-Man games, including Spider-Man: Miles Morales.

As an expansive world around Peter Parker, Earth-1048 also involves associated materials that tie in with Marvel’s Spider-Man video games. This means comics and novels.

In a special episode of Kinda Funny centered around Spider-Man 2, game director Bryan Intihar is given the spotlight. There he subsequently revealed that both Wolverine and Spider-Man 2 are indeed set in the same universe saying, “They’re all in 1048.” However, the statement did not come without a degree of uncertainty saying, “I think I got that right”.

Status quo

In IGN’s interview with Intihar, the SM2 director was asked whether there would be teasers for Wolverine. His response, while not necessarily clear-cut, gives insight regarding the project’s current status:

We wouldn’t be true Marvel fans if we didn’t have discussions like that, but I think for us it was, ‘Hey, working on these games is really hard. They’re really complicated.’ And I think it was just like, ‘Hey, let’s let the Wolverine team cook.’ Let’s let them cook and if something ever happens in the future, great.

But right, now let’s just make sure that let’s not box anybody into a corner and let’s just make sure that they have a clear runway to make the best Wolverine possible and it’s going to be awesome. So I’m really excited about it. But we wouldn’t be like Marvel fans if we didn’t talk about things.

Originally announced in 2021, along with a brief teaser trailer, there has been no word about Wolverine since. But it is said that the developing project will feature an “emotional narrative” and a “cutting-edge gameplay”.