In 2000, BEC unveiled Digimon World 2, the much-anticipated follow-up to the 1999 classic. Published by Bandai, this new adventure game was met with high hopes, but players soon realized it was a departure from the original.
Say goodbye to Tamagotchi-style pet-raising and hello to a new role: that of a guardian tamer, tasked with defending the digital city by embarking on a series of dungeon-crawling RPG quests.
This revamped world of Digimon can be described in three words: Repetitive, Slow, and Addictive. While it may be a slow starter, Digimon World 2’s addictive charm has a grip on many players. So what keeps players like you and I coming back for more?
You’re definitely at the right place or the right answer.
So buckle up as this piece takes you through the necessary details of this retro gem – Digimon 2.

The first Digimon World game, inspired by the popular Digimon anime, gave us a unique alternative to the Pokemon series. The game features an advanced Tamagotchi experience with the added elements of battles and digivolution.
But with the release of Digimon World 2, the series embarked on a radically different journey. Instead of the familiar RPG and Pokemon-like world, Digimon World 2 embraced a dungeon-crawling path. While training remains a large aspect of its gameplay, now you have the opportunity to train and tame multiple Digimons, and the digivolution process underwent a remarkable transformation
Well, let’s dive deeper into the captivating world of Digimon World 2!

In the enchanting world of Digimon World 2, players are immediately immersed in a digital realm where they assume the role of a young, courageous boy named Akira. Akira resides in a tranquil town located within the fictitious “Directory Continent.”
The game’s narrative takes off with Akira on the cusp of completing his Tamer training, exuding an unwavering confidence in his abilities and harboring dreams of becoming an Official Tamer

In this story, the Digimon had lived in peace in the Directory Continent, however, the tranquility in the Digital City is suddenly shattered as wild Digimon launch a relentless assault on the once-peaceful Directory Continent. It is here that Akira, and by extension, you, are entrusted with the monumental task of safeguarding the peace and harmony of the Digital City.
The Last Training Mission
Our journey commences with Akira, ready to embark on his last training mission before attaining the coveted status of an official tamer. A close friend, Mr. Zudokorn, stands by his side as they assemble to fulfill a critical assignment. Cecilia, the formidable leader of the Blue Falcon, addresses them, unveiling a mission of paramount importance – the expedition to the Boot Domain to confront none other than Leomon, the revered “King of Beasts,” who lurks within.

In an act of unwavering support, Zudokorn entrusts Akira with his Digi-beetle and all the formidable Digimon contained within. He emphasizes the need for caution, urging Akira not to push too hard. This final training mission, regarded as a breeze by many, proves to be the simplest in the game. Akira faces off against the mighty Leomon, the King of Beasts, emerging victorious and earning his title as a Tamer.
The Guard Teams
Following the successful completion of his last training mission, Akira receives his long-awaited tamer license and a new companion: “Gunner,” his very own Digi-Beetle. Now, the time has come for Akira to make a pivotal choice – selecting one of three renowned Guard Teams: Blue Falcon, Gold Hawk, or Black Sword.
The Blue Falcons, led by the formidable Cecelia, are known for their expertise in handling Data Type Digimon. As a member of the Blue Falcon team, your journey commences with Patamon as your starting Digimon. Other early Data Types at your disposal include Gabumon, Crabmon, and Floramon.

Gold Hawks, with the leader Vandar, specializes in Vaccine Type Digimon. Your starting Digimon is Agumon and the other early Vaccine types are Biyomon, Tapirmon, and Gomamon.

Black Sword, the last team has the leader Skull, and deals with Virus Type Digimon. Here your Digimon is DemiDevimon and the other early Virus types include Betamon, Goburimon, Gazimon and Gizamon.
These teams are very much alike and the major difference between them are the buildings you are to report to for missions and what Digimon types you’re initially allowed to DNA Digivolve together.

Your First Mission
As you pledge your allegiance to one of the renowned Guard Teams, you’re entrusted with a Digimon companion and your inaugural mission by your esteemed team leader. Upon joining, you are adorned with a mark that symbolizes your belonging to your chosen team. Interestingly, the first mission shared across all teams directs you to the SCSI Domain, where you must confront and defeat the formidable Wild Boss.
Following each mission, it is customary to report back to your team leader, advancing the plot while unlocking your subsequent tasks. As the storyline evolves, it transitions from an initial conflict against the enigmatic and sinister Digi-tamers known as the Blood Knights, who employ wild and malevolent Digimon for their schemes. The narrative deepens, culminating in a more intense struggle to confront the enigmatic “creator” of the Digital City, Overlord Gaia.
The Characters in this game are just a few, with little to no personal development. You’ll have your cliche rival in the form of Bertran, the somewhat exasperating yet intriguing character, Joy-Joy, who could potentially become a love interest, and the fledgling tamer, Louie. Several other tamers, spanning both adolescents and adults, make sporadic appearances in battle.
The most notable villains include Crimson, the mastermind behind the Digi-tamers, the Blood Knights, and his ever-inept assistant, Commander Damien.
Digimon World 2, while offering a less intricate narrative, immerses you in the life of a tamer as you receive orders to seek, train, and engage wild Digimon, all while combating the nefarious Digi-tamers.
As the seemingly unremarkable storyline of Digimon World 2 unfolds, an unexpected twist emerges to captivate players. The primary antagonist is unmasked, revealing none other than Overlord Gaia, a rogue supercomputer responsible for the turmoil plaguing the Digital world. This powerful supercomputer, initially created to safeguard the Digital world, spiraled into a destructive force driven by insatiable thirst for power and dominance.

In the climactic conclusion, Akira (you), the valiant tamer, steps into the spotlight for an epic showdown with the malevolent rogue supercomputer. It’s a final battle of epic proportions, where the fate of the Digital world hangs in the balance.
The structure of Digimon World 2 may ring a bell if you’ve experienced Chocobo’s Dungeon 2, as it follows a similar pattern. It’s a role-playing game heavily centered on dungeon crawling, with a core focus on interactions with NPCs to propel the plot forward, procurement of vital items, and intense battles against evil Digimon.
In this digital realm, players traverse the expansive Digital world within a formidable tank known as the Digi-Beetle. The key to progress lies within the exploration of vast domains and dungeons teeming with treacherous obstacles and traps, including acid floors, landmines, treasure chests, boulders, energy fields (Electro-Spores), and more.
Much like its predecessor, Digimon World 1, the game’s currency is ‘bits.’ These bits are your ticket to acquiring items that serve as aids in battles and for the digivolution process. The array of items you can purchase encompasses those for offense, defense, healing, befriending Digimon, and enhancing your trusty Digi-Beetle.
Yet, a notable drawback emerges: the need to transfer purchased items as you advance to the next level. Failure to do so necessitates a return to the previous domain to facilitate the transfer.
An additional irritant is the extensive amount of interaction required to advance in the game. In the overworld, you’ll encounter numerous locations, such as the Coliseum, Digimon Center, File City, and Device Domain, each populated with individuals to converse with. This repetitiveness can hinder the pace of gameplay, making the gameplay quite boring and super slow.

Further contributing to the sluggish experience is the languid pace of character movement in the overworld and during cutscenes. Even the simplest actions, such as saluting, or navigating obstacles, can feel cumbersome and time-consuming, with a character taking seconds for what should be a swift gesture.
Battle Type
The battle type in Digimon World 2 takes the normal and simple turn-based mode. Once out in the domain, you will encounter several evil Digimon and this ignites a battle between your Digimon and other Digimon. You have a maximum of 3 Digimons on each side. You have three options to use – instruct your Digimon to use one of its moves, use an item or run away.
As the battles commence, another dimension of sluggishness unfolds. You’re compelled to watch your Digimon engage in protracted, often monotonous confrontations until either your team or the opposing Digimon group is vanquished. These battles, while vital for leveling up and progressing through the game, can be a test of patience due to their lethargic pace.
The extent of grinding demanded by Digimon World 2 is notably excessive and, quite frankly, frustrating. Building your Digimon’s strength to the point of Digivolution and acquiring new techniques necessitates relentless level-grinding, a repetitive and time-consuming process that some players may find exasperating.
To exit a domain and advance in the game, you must prevail in a battle against the final boss. This adversary can take the form of a solitary Digimon or another tamer commanding a team of Digimon. These encounters mark significant milestones, though their execution may leave some players yearning for a more dynamic and engaging battle system.
The core essence of the Digimon World 2 gaming experience lies in the art of Digivolution. This dynamic process is central to enhancing your Digimon, propelling them to new levels, and unlocking an array of potent abilities. There are four distinct Digivolution stages, each signifying a notable milestone in your Digimon’s growth: Rookie, Champion, Ultimate, and the pinnacle, Mega. The progression unfolds with the Rookie stage evolving into Champion, which then advances to Ultimate, culminating in the mighty Mega level. Each transition equips your Digimon with enhanced skills and capabilities, taking them to the next tier of power and competence.
To embark on the Digivolution journey, you must amass sufficient Digivolving points (DP). These points are garnered primarily through the process of DNA-Digivolution. Every time two of your Digimon engage in DNA-Digivolution, resulting in the creation of a lower-level Digimon, you earn additional DP for the involved Digimon. These points are the lifeblood of your Digivolution endeavors, serving as the currency for ascending the digital evolutionary ladder and ensuring your Digimon reach their full potential.

As you journey through the myriad domains and dungeons of Digimon World 2, your primary focus is to confront the malevolent Digimon while preserving the vitality of your indispensable Digi-Beetle. This mechanized companion is your lifeline, with two vital meters to monitor: the EP and the HP.
EP meter measures how many steps your digi-beetle can take while the HP shows how long it will last as it passes through the various traps set out in these domains. The amount of traps in each domain can drive you insane as you have to find a way to defeat the evil digimon while trying not to trigger any mines, bugs, and electro spores.
The gameplay in Digimon World 2 may feel exasperatingly challenging and frustratingly slow. Although it possesses a certain addictive quality, it often lacks a palpable sense of accomplishment, leaving players to grapple with the game’s taxing demands and unconventional pacing.

In the realm of graphics, Digimon World 2 for the PS1 earns a respectable 7 out of 10. The Digimon characters themselves shine, faithfully capturing the charm and intricacy seen in the beloved cartoon series and trading cards. Unfortunately, the domain environments leave much to be desired, displaying an unattractive and underwhelming appearance.
For one, the music is quite catchy though repetitive as you have to listen to the same annoying tune for most of the battle scenes. However, towards the end of the game you are in for a musical treat, as the game features more awesome sounds.

Digimon World 2, while offering an initially engaging experience, presents limited replayability. The slow gameplay, excessive grinding, and repetitive elements, along with an uninspiring storyline, make it a challenging sell for multiple playthroughs. While the game’s core Digivolution mechanic offers some variety, it’s unlikely to entice players back for more once the journey is complete.
In summary, Digimon World 2 presents a mixed package that doesn’t quite measure up to the standards set by other titles in the genre, such as Pokémon and Torneko. While it boasts decent graphics, sound, and dialogue, its gameplay leaves much to be desired, characterized by a frustratingly slow pace that can drain the fun from the experience.
For dedicated dungeon-crawling and Digimon enthusiasts, there may be enough redeeming qualities to overlook these shortcomings and enjoy the game. However, for a broader audience, Digimon World 2 may fall short of providing the engaging and satisfying gameplay expected from the franchise.
- Decent graphics for a PS1 game
- Good story line and sounds
- A variety of Digimon and evolution options
- Repetitive elements and dialogues
- Slow and frustrating gameplay
- Underwhelming environments and lacks the same level of engagement as other similar games