An enhanced version of Persona 5 with some new characters and a third semester added to the game. Released in...
The Tekken series is breaking into a new era! The longest-running story in a video game franchise is coming back...
Mortal Shell is a ruthless and deep action-RPG that tests your sanity and resilience in a shattered world. Your adversaries...
Life doesn't always go as planned, and you—as the protagonist—transfer into Gekkoukan High School, located at the center of the...
After an age of the cruellest tyranny, the demon God, Adyr, was finally defeated. But Gods… do not fall forever....
Like a Dragon 8 is the next installment in the Yakuza series that will feature Ichiban and Kiryu as dual...
The game brings “open combat, ” offering players more choices in approaching the single-player missions. Makarov returns as the chief...
Bluey: The Videogame is an upcoming video game based on the TV series Bluey developed by Artax Games and published...
Ichiban Kasuga, a low-ranking grunt of a low-ranking yakuza family in Tokyo, faces an 18-year prison sentence after taking the...
He’s a plumber, she’s a daddy’s girl. Only you can get them together, or tear them apart! Plumbers have everything:...
Tokyo is overrun by deadly supernatural forces, perpetrated by a dangerous occultist, causing Tokyo's population to vanish in an instant.
Deltarune's narrative is comprised of seven chapters, each forming its own arc. In the game's story, the players control Kris,...