Hauntii Now Available on Playstation 4 and Playstation 5; Launch Trailer

Firestoke Group Limited has just announced that their action adventurer twin-stick shooter Hauntii is now officially available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5.

Players will take on the role of Hauntii a ghost on a quest for answers about the mysterious race known as the Eternians, who guides lost souls to a tower so they can ascend. However, nobody knows what they really are and where those spirits go after they reach the tower.

Players will be able to explore a vast world with beautiful two-tone graphics and a swelling soundtrack to make ever step of the adventure feel unique. Use your ghost powers to solve puzzles, posses the inhabitants of the world and collect items to piece together your past and the constellations.

Watch the launch trailer below.

Hauntii is out now for Playstation 4 and Playstation 5.