Survival Horror Game ‘Crow Country’ Launches Early May on PS5

Developer SFB Games announces a May 9 release date for new survival horror title Crow Country. According to the developers, the game takes main inspiration and is a throwback to the era of horror games from the PlayStation One.

In Crow Country, players will take on the role of Mara Forest, a young woman who broke into a theme park in the outskirts of Atlanta Georgia to the owner Edward Crow. Who mysteriously closed the theme park two years ago before disappearing.

Players will explore Edward’s park solving various puzzles searching for any clues of Edward in a story about reckless human greed and sin. For those who may not enjoy the thrill of being chased, exploration mode will allow players to explore the theme park alone.

Crow Country releases on May 9 on Playstation 5. You can view the announcement trailer below, via Gematsu: