A young man who lives in the calm village of Ishi. The protagonist, who began a coming-of-age ceremony when he...
At the Royal Academy of Magic (the Academy for short), Marie is failing in her attempts to study alchemy. One...
The definitive edition of the Atelier “Mysterious” series at a new price, with brand new content and various DLCs! “Atelier...
"Lush trees rustle in the wind. Birds sing their songs with the morning sun, and the light shines upon flowers...
The game is a direct sequel to the prior two Trails of Cold Steel games, picking up one and a...
The game follows the story of Reisalin Stout, a girl living on Kurken Island seeking adventure. One summer day, she...
Valneria, a world where huge dragon fossils rise above the clouds. There is a witch living in a remote forest...
Blue Reflection, a new RPG title from Gust Studios, puts the player in the shoes of Hinako Shirai, a seemingly...