The long awaited finale to the epic engulfing a continent comes to a head in the final chapter of the...
The game is a direct sequel to the prior two Trails of Cold Steel games, picking up one and a...
A prequel story set in The Messenger’s universe, it tells the story of two Children of the Solstice who will...
The game follows the story of Reisalin Stout, a girl living on Kurken Island seeking adventure. One summer day, she...
Valneria, a world where huge dragon fossils rise above the clouds. There is a witch living in a remote forest...
This story begins in a small atelier in the town of Merveille, the capital of the Adalet Kingdom, where two...
Blue Reflection, a new RPG title from Gust Studios, puts the player in the shoes of Hinako Shirai, a seemingly...
An enhanced version of Persona 5 with some new characters and a third semester added to the game. Released in...