Tekken 8 Beginner’s Guide Helps Players New To the Series

It’s never been a better time to be new to the Tekken series. Just in time for the release of Tekken 8, Bandai Namco Europe has given new players a helpful guide. Popular Tekken streamer TheMainManSWE gives you a brief, easy to understand explanation of the game’s mechanics and accessibility features. After helping you select a character, he shows you the way through the basics and everything you need to be an adept fighter.

It doesn’t end at the barebones fighting, though, as he also helps you understand the tools that you can use to improve after you’ve gained some footing. There’s even information on display for those who may have missed a chunk of the series, as the streamer also explains the updated super abilities. Now called the Heat System, it allows you to turn the tide of a match. You can even use it to tack on a little more damage if you so choose. But don’t just listen to me, take a lesson from the professional himself in the video below.

While most of this applies to all fighting games, you can also read our 5 step guide that can help in any fighting game here!