There are so many options on how to style your character in Skyrim. From literal fashion style, to combat choices, the options may even seem limitless to the creative player. Follow this little tip to create the ultimate street fighter-type character in the nine holds!
Start As A Khajiit

The very first step to making this ultimate hand-to-hand fighter work is to start your journey as a Khajiit. The large cat-humanoids are the best for fisticuffs as they naturally come with 15 points of unarmed damage due to their claws ability. Find the information on your claws bonus in the magic menu. Start off ready to slice and dice without needed a weapon!
Next – Head To Riften

Riften’s sewers, dubbed the Ratway, hold more secrets than you might know. Deep in one part of the underground maze lies a very unique piece of armor. Worn by the mad beggar Gian, the Gloves Of The Pugilist are an enchanted set of Fur Gauntlets that grants the wearer addition points to unarmed damage. You can disenchant this item and use the enchantment on any piece of hand armor in the game!
Finally – Level Up That Heavy Armor Skill

Once you get your character up in Heavy Armor skill, you can get the Fists of Steel perk which is the biggest boost to your unarmed damage. Once you get this perk your Unarmed damage percentage increases by the amount of armor rating your gauntlets have. Create a set of high level gauntlets like daedric or dragonbone, and further increase the damage with a heavy armor increasing enchantment, the Fist of the Pugilist enchantment, and/or carry around a bunch of heavy armor boosting potions.
There You Have It

Now that you’ve built the ultimate street fighter in Skyrim all that is left is to travel around fist fighting your way to glory. Take on giants, dragons, and Dragur lords with just your hands, or travel from pub to pub beating up strangers for money. No matter how you approach it you’ll have fun with this build!
Do you think this build is useful? Have you done this before? Let us know in the comment section below and happy gaming!