Artisan Studios, known for Astria Ascending and Super Neptunia RPG, is working on an ambitious RPG titled Lost Hellden, teaming...
Clifford “Cliff” Unger, who played an important role in the original Death Stranding, is not making a comeback in Death...
The longstanding voice actor behind DC’s iconic hero Batman met his demise during the development of Suicide Squad: Kill the...
Last week’s State of Play presentation showed the public Stellar Blade with English dubbing but not without some audiences hoping...
Stellar Blade’s main protagonist, Eve, is fashioned after a real-life South Korean model named Shin Jae-eun, Game Director Hyung-Tae Kim...
Despite the final product having no ostensive semblance with Bloodborne, Naughty Dog claims that The Last of Us Part II...
Granblue Fantasy: Relink was released this week to massive acclaim. And if you are among those who missed out on...
If the amount of storage space a game takes to be played is a reference to its sheer scale, then...
HI-FI RUSH’s recently launched anniversary update was data mined, revealing a detail of what could be a probable PS5 release...
The Persona series has a lot of lines that may be rather controversial, and have caused a stir among the...